It was 12 years ago today that my brother Paul passed away when the C-21 he was flying developed a mechanical problem and ultimately crashed in a wooded area in Alexandar City, Alabama. Paul was serving as a captain in the United States Air Force and become certified flying the T-38, C-130, and C-21.
One of the things that is still so vivid to me from those days after his death was the kindness that so many showed to us. From the company that I worked for that allowed me extended time off to The Flower Cart in Alexander City who provided a flower arrangement free that we arranged to have left at the crash site, there was kindness shown to us throughout.
We also had many who came to us and shared acts of kindness that Paul had shown to them. I remember a member of the church that Paul and Michelle attended told us that when Paul found out that the Scouts needed some equipment, Paul went down to the store about bought several lanterns and donated them to the Scouts. We heard several such stories.
In memory of Paul and his life and example, our family has chosen to do two special things that occur each year. The first is to decorate a tree for the Festival of Trees in Utah which provides money to Primary Children's Hospital for those children who need medical help but are unable to pay. We have decorated trees for a number of years (it is usually in the C-21 space if you visit the Festival).
The second way was the establishment of the Captain Paul Carey Memorial Scholarship at BYU. Each year many of our family visits the Winter Air Force ROTC award assembly at BYU and announces the recipient of the scholarship for the coming year. This year that award went to Cadet Andrew Washer. Congratulations!