The first day of our trip was spent driving with small stops to stretch our legs. We spent the night in Missoula, Montana, then headed across the Idaho panhandle.
Last year, I read a book called “The Big Burn” by Timothy Egan that had been recommended by my friend, Karen. Since I love to visit historic places that relate to books I’ve read, I had the area around Wallace, Idaho on my list. “The Big Burn” tells all about the huge wildfires of 1910 that popped up all around the west with the worst area centered in eastern Washington, the Idaho panhandle, and western Montana. Smoke from these fires was seen as far away as New York, and ships 500 miles out in the Pacific couldn’t navigate by the stars at night because they were blotted
out by the smoke. [Read more…] about Pulaski Tunnel & the Big Burn of 1910