Brian received a Superior or “1” rating on this solo at the UHSAA State Solo and Ensemble Festival in April. He was asked to sing his solo at the final LPHS Choir Concert of the year. Scott is his accompanist, as always. Here, for your listening pleasure, is Brian singing “Si, tra i ceppi” by Handel, from Berenice.
Brian, I was really impressed with the early quality of your tenor voice. Often, I thought you needed to be singing a third higher than you wear (of course, that is regulated by music) Anyhow, your clarity is really coming through, particularly for your age. The music was well-interpretated, and most notes were hit solidly. You are going to be a wonderful tenor someday, soon, I think. Keep singing wherever and whatever opportunity you have on your mission. Hey, sing in your med lab. Maybe the patients will love you for it, and then again, they may throw things. Who knows???? Seriously, congrats on a wonderful solo number. Hey, son in law, as always, accompaniment was excellent.