Got a scrappy binding sewn onto this RSC2021 project so it’s ready for Christmas gifting. I changed the binding color as it goes around to match the blocks it stands by. This was tedious but came out super cute! “Hip to be Square” from “Splash of Color” by Jackie Kunkel.
The ombre jelly roll I’m using for the Shine blocks doesn’t have aqua, so I went ahead with the blue blocks. So happy to be finally making this quilt!
Made a couple more red Dancing Stars, but still need more of those, & started on the aqua. This may turn into a 2-year RSC project.
The upper left are my slabs for something future. Whatever that is. I got 7 aqua Catching Rainbows blocks done with the corresponding string blocks for the border. I really adore these blocks!
I have lots of these Rocky Road to Grayson blocks by Bonnie Hunter in various stages, but I wanted to feel like I was making progress, so I sewed some together so I would have a few completed. I am using up so many little scraps with this project!
My current status for the six RSC2022 projects:
- four red & four aqua blocks from the Tula Pink 100 Modern Quilt Blocks – on target
- 1 red & 1 aqua twinkling friendship block inspired by Deb A. – on target
- 3 red & 2 blue Shine blocks from the free pattern by Melissa Corry – on target
- 8 red & 6 aqua Dancing Stars by Amy Ellis – running behind
- 14 red & 16 aqua blocks for Sweet Kisses by Gigi’s Thimble– on target
- 7 red & 7 aqua blocks, plus matching border string blocks for Catching Rainbows by Bonnie Hunter- on target
On the Move Remix by Melissa Corry has moved out of the RSC2022 category & I’m just going forward with it. It felt right & I’m happy about that. It’s all laid out on the design wall & I’m working on the colored arrows.