After taking a month off because there were no yellows in the jelly roll I’m using, it was back to ombre Shine blocks. These are the two that can be considered pink. I’ve wanted to make this quilt for forever so I almost squeal each month when I pull down the box & get started.
I cut all the pieces for this Sweet Kisses quilt in January, so now it’s just a matter of pulling it out & sewing up the month’s color. (Same with Shine) I did this last year with a couple projects & it helped me get more done during the year when I only had to cut out a couple projects each month.
I did it! Here’s the top in the final week, #5, of the Hyalite SAL from Plains & Pine. I finished up sewing the large diamond blocks into the four quadrants with the background triangles, then did this week’s task of sewing the four quadrants together. This was a fun project & I definitely got better as I went along. It’s all bias so one quadrant is a little stretched, but I got the rest done well. I’m so happy to have tried something new, plus used some really old stash fabric that I love.
I currently have 2 L&E projects going as well: a green & yellow version of Bonnie Hunter’s September Sky. The green chain blocks are done & I’m sewing the yellow & black stars together now. I started sewing the Chandelier blocks that I cut out last week for a donation quilt. And in FaceTime quilt group we got the 6th & final wedge sewn for the Cookie Cutter circles, so next week we’ll sew all the main blocks together.
My current status for the six RSC2022 projects:
- 4 red, aqua, & yellow blocks from the Tula Pink 100 Modern Quilt Blocks (pink cut out)
- 1 red, aqua, & yellow twinkling friendship block inspired by Deb A. (pink squares pulled)
- 3 red, 2 blue, 2 pink Shine blocks from the free pattern by Melissa Corry (on track)
- 14 red, 16 aqua, 4 yellow, & 14 pink blocks for Sweet Kisses by Gigi’s Thimble (on track)
- 7 red, aqua, & yellow blocks, plus matching border string blocks for Catching Rainbows by Bonnie Hunter (pink cut out)
- 8 red & 6 aqua Dancing Stars by Amy Ellis (no new progress)