I’ve joined this challenge for 12 years in an attempt to read down my owned books. My goal for Mount TBR this year is Mt. Vancouver: 36 books.

The Virtual Mount TBR Challenge is only for books I do not own. They may be borrowed from the library, a friend, found on a free e-book site, or anywhere else that allows me to temporarily “checkout” the book.
My goal is to repeat White Plume Mountain: Read 48 books from my Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library.

I’ve debated about Bev’s Calendar of Crime challenge every year & decided this is the year to jump in. Twelve books, one representing each month, are required for a complete challenge. To claim a book, it must fit one of the categories for the month you wish to fulfill. Unless otherwise specified, the category is fulfilled within the actual story. So I’ll be looking through my mysteries to find monthly mystery fun.

I used to do the Color Coded challenge every year & find that when I read a “colorful” title, I’m wanting to mark it down. So it seems my mind wants to do this challenge again!
The color may be named in the title, in the author’s name, or it may appear as the dominant color for the cover of the book. For “implies color” the image implying color should dominate the cover–for instance a large rainbow, a field of flowers, or the image of a painter.
Read nine books in the following categories with the color in the title/author name/on the cover:
- Blue
- Red
- Yellow
- Green
- Brown
- Black
- White
- Any other color (Purple, Orange, Silver, Pink, etc).
- A word/image that implies color (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Shadow, Paint, Ink, etc).
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