Scott did something truly unexpected for my birthday: he threw me a surprise party. I had not a clue. He did it on Monday the 2nd, which was the night before we left for Yellowstone. Mark came up in the evening to hang with us and spend the night, but that seemed normal because he wasn’t going to see us on my birthday and we were leaving for a week. The mom and daughter that I read with took me out for frozen yogurt for my birthday. This also seemed totally normal and the daughter made me a matching bracelet and earring set that’s totally cute! When they dropped me off, the mom wanted the daughter to come in and see my Willow Tree collection so we walked in the front door and there were crepe paper and balloons everywhere. I said, “Oh, looks like Mark did some decorating. Fun.” We walked over to the shelf and then I saw all these people in the family room and they yelled, “Surprise!”. Honestly, I am so dense. So I was really surprised and we had cake and ice cream and it was really fun and nice of people to come.
On my real birthday we were in Yellowstone and went to breakfast here:We chose this place so we could have breakfast served to us by this waiter:
Now that all the shows are up and running and daily rehearsals are over, Brian works a breakfast shift three days a week at Buckaroo Bill’s. He rotates between prepping, cooking, and serving. We ate in the back where each table has its own covered wagon and had some yummy food plus hot chocolate, too.
After our late breakfast we checked out some stores while waiting for Brian to finish his shift, then went back to the restaurant’s outdoor seating to open presents! Yay! Scott got me a wooden wheelbarrow planter that we left at home, some books, a subscription to a quilting magazine, and then an offer to take me shopping around West Yellowstone. That was also the present from Brian so off we went. I got scrapbooking supplies, Wildflowers of Yellowstone seeds, and a framed pressed flower art piece with yellow columbines. Awesome!
Brian went off to an emergency rehearsal because of a cast member’s accident, and we drove to Yellowstone Lake and did some sight-seeing via the car. Then it was back for the second show. Because it was July 4th, the theater had early shows so after the 4:00 show, the cast ran to the start of the West Yellowstone parade and walked the parade route to advertise for the shows. The town parade was super fun! Then we saw the 7:00 show of “The Drowsy Chaperone”. During the variety show the cast brings up audience members with birthdays and they announce their names and sing to them.
I got a special announcement that I was a cast member’s Mom AND that I was turning 50. Double applause! I also got a kiss!
The show was great and afterwards we were invited to the cast BBQ. We ate on a blanket on the sidewalk in front of the theater and watched the town fireworks show which was long and wonderful.
It was a fun day and now I’m officially over the hill. The best is yet to come.
Fun to read about it from your side of it, Sue! It was fun waiting for you! Now go have another 50 birthdays!