I had to finish up my blue blocks before beginning March’s yellow, so here are my five Moda blockheads. They are Lawyer’s Puzzle, Bow Tie Quartet, Puzzled, Ohio Star Variation, & T Block. I’m doing 5/month. The yellows are County Fair blocks by Amy Smart in the book, “Scrap School” by Lissa Alexander. I did them first, mostly because they are quick & I could get a start on yellow! (Update: a sharp-eyed reader saw my Ohio Star had a problem, so here’s a photo with the repaired star.)

This is the new Thursday group project. It’s a free pattern called Fireworks that’s going to be a table topper. My partners are making theirs in RW&B & I was excited to follow along, but then realized that was not smart as I’d made a square RW&B topper last year & what I really need is a spring one. I have a naked table now that Val Day is over. So I decided to make mine spring inspired & it can finish out this season (maybe), but definitely be ready for next year. So I dug in my stash for green, pink/coral, aqua, with gray background. I cut it all on my own time, then together, we got one of the four blocks made with a start on the other three.
Hi, great blocks and very intrigued by the new project. I’m sorry to say though that the Ohio Star variation has an hourglass unit twisted. Have a great week. ;^)
Oh my word! I’ve looked at that a dozen times on my wall & didn’t notice. But yup, you’re right! Thanks! I’ll fix it. (The power of the RSC community!)