These Moda Blockheads take more time to cut & sew than I anticipate each month, so my yellow is going slowly. But here is Rocky Mountain Puzzle & Devil’s Claw on the top row; Trail of Tears, Night Flight & Twice the Friendship on the bottom row.

I got my Strippy Slab Star made with small pieces from my crumb bag in the center & strips from the yellow strip bin for the points.

I sewed the other February blocks for the Frightful Fun! BOM. These are the FPP candy blocks & I got a start on March’s blocks by doing the bird that sits on the cauldron that I still need to make, plus the five bones. Those may fall into April since we will be gone for a week on vacation.

You’ve been working on some fun projects! Love the big yellow star! The candy blocks are just great, too and so is the bird. Looking forward to see how your projects progress!
Love that Strippy Slab Star done in YELLOWs!! Nice work, Sue.