Today we accomplished something big: we got Christmas all packed up and put away. Yay! On top of that momentous achievement, we also got all the snowmen out. Double yay!
With me tired and worn out from my family history mission and Scott working a bazillion hours, we have to prioritize. And frankly, having the holiday stuff up longer than normal didn’t seem like such a bad thing. I decided that if my neighbors were judging me for still having the tree in the front window and turning on the lights every night, so be it. Their problem, not mine, right?
This is the latest we’ve ever taken it down, but as Scott said, it was also the latest we’ve put it up, so it all works out. I was sick for most of December, so it was slow going with the decorating. But then, I move slower all the time now, so it’s all good. I am serene.
Happy snow and snowmen!
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