Read and review Scottish books -any genre, any form- written by a Scottish author (by birth or immigration) or about or set in Scotland.
Challenge levels:
Just A Keek (a little look): 1-4 books read
The Highlander: 5-8 books
The Hebridean: 9-12 books
Ben Nevis: 13+ books
My goal was to complete The Highlander and I fulfilled it completely by reading 8 books. It was really fun to dip into Scotland and I like the 44 Scotland Street series so much that I plan to finish it. Here’s what I read:
1. The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon (No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency #14), by Alexander McCall Smith
2. Belgrave Square (Thomas & Charlotte Pitt #12), by Anne Perry
3. Thistle And Thyme: Stories And Legends From Scotland, by Sorche Nic Leodhas
4. 44 Scotland Street, by Alexander McCall Smith
5. Espresso Tales (44 Scotland Street #2), by Alexander McCall Smith
(6.) Love Over Scotland (44 Scotland Street #3), by Alexander McCall Smith
(7.) The World According to Bertie (44 Scotland Street #4), by Alexander McCall Smith
(8.) The Unbearable Lightness of Scones (44 Scotland Street #5), by Alexander McCall Smith
Thanks to Peggy for hosting!
Sue, I’m so glad you enjoyed the challenge! You have a good start on the 44 Scotland Street series! I didn’t get to it this time. I’m going to do the challenge next year too as there are so many great books out of Scotland!