Got a scrappy binding sewn onto this RSC2021 project so it's ready for Christmas gifting. I changed the binding color as it goes around to match the blocks it stands by. This was tedious but came out super cute! "Hip to be Square" from "Splash of … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-more Feb aqua
RSC2022-February aqua so far
There was no sewing done the first half of February, so aqua may dribble over into March. I've decided not to be stressed about that, but just let it be. There's no quilt police & I can do what I do & still be successful. The design wall … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-February aqua so far
RSC2022-January red week 4
I forgot to post my finish a couple weeks ago: Love Drops, pattern by Maker Valley. It's going to be gifted for Christmas & used up a lot of scraps! This is this week's finish: Walk in the Park by V and Co. And yes, we made it exactly like … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-January red week 4
RSC2022-January red week 3
I got started on another of my RSC2022 projects this week. It's called On the Move by Melissa Corry. I'm doing the remix on her blog using the Charming Baby Quilts book. I'm only showing the long red arrow, but I did all the cutting & planning, … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-January red week 3
RSC2022-January red week 2
I made 16 of these blocks last year for RSC2021 & decided I needed 8 more to make a good-sized lap quilt, so I'm going to make one more/month this year. Here's the cute little red one inspired by Deb A. These are my four red blocks from the … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-January red week 2