After taking a month off because there were no yellows in the jelly roll I'm using, it was back to ombre Shine blocks. These are the two that can be considered pink. I've wanted to make this quilt for forever so I almost squeal each month when I pull … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-pink April week 1
RSC2022-end of March yellows
Having done the border yellow string blocks earlier in the month, I got the actual yellow blocks for Catching Rainbows done this week. It's a flimsy! I started On the Move by Melissa Corry as an RSC2022 project but got carried away & kept … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-end of March yellows
RSC2022-some yellow progress
A little finish this week: "Puzzles". It was an early COVID-19 project to use up the last of the puzzle fabric from a larger quilt. I sewed up the top & let it sit, but finally got it quilted with variegated thread in a puzzle design. I just made … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-some yellow progress
RSC2022-squirrels on the loose
"Simply Hexie" is done! My quilting partner & I bought these kits in July 2019 & kept saying we would make them when..... (fill in the blank). Late last year we pulled out the kits & via our FaceTime quilt group, worked steadily for a few … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-squirrels on the loose
RSC2022-March-enter yellow
"Codes" is a finish. It's been a long journey! After 6 years of learning to quilt & spending a little time on it regularly, I was tempted to attend a retreat, learn some new skills, & up my game. So in January 2015 I attended my one & … [Continue reading] about RSC2022-March-enter yellow