As you know, my life has been totally consumed by the recently ended legislative session. It ended on Thursday and today it was back to my normal life. I had a meeting in downtown SLC this morning, but then I got to do some fun stuff on the way … [Continue reading] about Simple Pleasures
End of Session Fill-In
1. When I look to the left, I see books. 2. My living room is the room that has the best view in my home. 3. Let it work itself out. 4. Lobbying done dirt cheap! 5. Keeping an eye on the legislature is a responsibility that all … [Continue reading] about End of Session Fill-In
Brian’s Week in Review
spoke in Stake Conference last Sunday sang in the choir for Stake Conference mock interview on Monday afternoon for State Sterling Scholar competed in Region Solo/Ensemble Orchestra Festival in a Mendelssohn octet actual interview on … [Continue reading] about Brian’s Week in Review
Success: the Book Awards II
I have finished the first official reading challenge that I signed up to complete: the Book Awards II Reading Challenge. Here are my reviews for the books I read: Stones for Ibarra, by Harriet Doerr, National Book Award: I really enjoyed this … [Continue reading] about Success: the Book Awards II
Brian – A Sterling Scholar Finalist!

Brian competed in the regional Sterling Scholar competition today. Finalists for the state competition were just announced and Brian was selected as one of the state finalists in Speech and Drama. Brian now goes on to the state Sterling Scholar … [Continue reading] about Brian – A Sterling Scholar Finalist!