Brian just opened his mission call and he's going to....... California Carlsbad Spanish-speaking He goes into the MTC on January 6, 2010. Woo-hoo! … [Continue reading] about Brian’s Mission
Countdown 2010 Reading Challenge

I've been thinking about joining this challenge now that my 2009 challenges are winding down, and since two of my book club reading buddies are doing it, I figured why not? The new books will be the hardest for me because they don't show up at my … [Continue reading] about Countdown 2010 Reading Challenge
What’s in a Name reading challenge
What’s in a Name-2? runs 1 Jan-31 Dec 2009: 6 books that require something specific in the title profession time of day relative body part building medical condition (Profession) Captain's Glory, by William Shatner: This … [Continue reading] about What’s in a Name reading challenge
Summer Hike #7
This was the last one of the season and I'm really behind on getting it posted because we went in the middle of August. Scott and Brian went camping in the Uintas with the Scouts six years ago and Scott has always wanted to get me up there to see … [Continue reading] about Summer Hike #7
Tuacahn 2009
This year's trip to Tuacahn involved Scott, Sue, and Brian and we saw Disney's "Aida" which was really wonderful. They flooded the stage for the Nile scene and the costumes were really great. There was lots of great singing and dancing, as always. … [Continue reading] about Tuacahn 2009