Since it’s nigh unto impossible to see grizzlies or wolves in the park, (although various Playmill actors have seen both this summer), we took a little trip to the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone, Montana. It’s actually an impressive facility where injured animals or animals that can’t survive in the wild are able to live out their lives. One of the programs there reads like this:
Keeper Kids – Join us for an exciting activity especially designed for kids ages 5-12. In this unique program, kids first learn about grizzly bear eating habits and then accompany the naturalist and animal keeper into the bear habitat to hide food for some of our resident bears. After the food is hidden, kids get to learn how bears use their sense of smell to search out food.
So the kids go in the enclosure, hide the food, then watch the bears digging all over to find their food. It was fun to watch the bears turning over rocks and logs and fun to watch the kids exclaim when a bear found the food they had hidden. I should mention that at no time were there grizzlies and children in the enclosure at the same time. In case you were wondering.
The center has two wolf packs with different Alpha wolves and the walkways are quite close to the enclosures so we got some great close-up views.

Brian took our picture on the bear couch in the gift shop. Evidently it’s the thing to do because everyone was getting their picture taken there.
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