I had an invite from RIEDEL Fascination to join one of her new reading challenges and I’m always game for a new one. These go February 1st, 2014 – February 28th, 2015 so we’re not spending the holidays finishing books and posting wrap-up posts. Great idea! Also she’s not big on lots of picky rules so they are fairly straightforward.
I am joining Gentle Spectrums and choosing option (B) GENTLE SUBJECTS
Fit one book title into each category.
Trees, flowers, grass, gardening & crop-sowing references.
A building, rooms, a room or building’s parts.
Culture names, locations ~ lakes, towns, famous spots.
Synonyms, gems, ruins, geological formations.
Types of relatives, last names, full names.
A title of 5+ words (articles are fine).
Lame puns or quotations, outrageous, silly; actual cheeses!
Mystical, eerie (enchanting content fulfills title; no debunked ending).
Any words approximating weather or seasons.
Positive messages, conveys pleasant images!
Welcome Sue! My mystery group is the attraction for most people, so it has meant a lot to me, to draw folks who are keen about “Gentle Spectrums” (a cross between ‘Colour Coded’ / ‘What’s In A Name’) and “Ethereal” (spiritual meets paranormal, minus vampires). Thank you for such a lovely explanation post for your readers! Let’s just correct my name: in RIEDEL, I goes before E. I’m guessing Justin Bieber, pronounced the same way (EE), must be German too. {wink}
You are very right that my groups are about having fun, avoiding sticky rules, and counting as many books as we can. If folks find their material suits my other themes, everything can cross over from Feb 1 onward, no matter when we put an URL in a sign-up button. Warmly, Carolyn.
Grrr! I looked at your site name twice to make sure I spelled it correctly, and still fouled it up! Apologies-my brain is melting!!! It’s fixed now. Yay!
It doesn’t quite say ‘RIEDEL Fascination‘ in the first sentence, where you make a link. I’ve dealt the mistaken (“E first”) all my life ~ the first thing I look for! Hehehehehe. Then mispronunciation (or misspelling) ‘CAROLYN‘ to rhyme with ‘wine’, instead of ‘GIN’. It’s fun to see you added our companion Goodreads threads, for photo-related activities. I’m announcing riddles for cute prizes in “My Kind Of Mystery” tomorrow, with the sister groups following. Good timing to join! I replied at my home site. That’s the easiest way to keep track of conversations with a dial-up connection.
Your book “Chinese Stories For Children” fits well for ‘nations’. I own the Lorna Barrett series you’re also reading but might not get to it this year. I try saving what interests me most, for last; start with books I’m likelier to give away. I’ll bet you’ve seen the photograph of our library in the FAQ post! If you or peers to whom you recommend these 3 themes, have questions; my blog or e-mail are easiest. 🙂 http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/riedel-reading-themes/