Today was Decorating Day for Festival of Trees so the Carey family decorated our 15th consecutive tree in honor of Scott’s brother, Paul. He was an Air Force pilot killed in 1995 in Alabama, leaving a wife and three young children. [Read more…] about Festival of Trees 2014
Janice's Family
Memorial Day 2014
Every year we take a picture of the cousins present at the Bountiful cemetery where Scott’s brother, Paul, is buried, as well as his Tibbitts grandparents.
Here is the 2014 version.
L to R back row: Brian Carey, a friend, Mark Carey, Sasha Fazulyanov, Tania Greenhalgh holding Margo, Paul and Matt Greenhalgh
L to R front row: Kyra Rapp, Anya and Nika Fazulyanov, Addie Greenhalgh, Patrice and Shawn Carey, Ethan Rapp
Festival of Trees 2013

This year our theme is “Boys Like to Read”. We decorate a tree benefitting Primary Children’s Medical Center in honor of Scott’s brother, Capt. Paul Carey. Here are some pix of the wild and crazy decorators!
We did the tree in lime, chocolate, and turquoise and set in a man’s study. There is a cozy fireplace with classics on tops, chair with the quilt I made, a side table with an airplane lamp and Hardy Boys books, and Curious George books under the tree.
Sitting on Santa’s lap…over time
I have taken pictures of people sitting on Santa’s lap at the Carey Christmas party for the last several years and thought it would be fun to see how we’ve changed through the years. So here are some photos, organized by family.
See us sit on Santa’s lap. See us have fun. See us get older.
Disclaimer: I thought I snapped feverishly at every party and got every child every year. But when I gathered up all the pictures I found some people are missing. I can’t explain this, so nobody should infer anything or take this personally. There’s one year I don’t even have pictures of both my own children. I can’t explain this, either. If you have other shots you’d like me to include for posterity, send them along and I’ll update this post!
Click on a photo to see them all in a gallery by family.
Scott & Sue’s family
Phil & Janice’s family
Paul & Michelle’s family
Brent & Teresa’s family
Mark & Sonja’s family
Ildar & Christine’s family
Carey Christmas Party
Every year we have a Carey Christmas party before Christmas at the Rapp house in Bountiful. This year our gathering was rather smaller than usual as Scott’s brother Mark had moved his family to Virginia, near Brent’s family; Matt, Brian, Patrice, and Shawn, are on missions; and two of the married Greenhalgh kids couldn’t come, plus Mark had to work at the MTC. We were there with no kids, Janice and Phil were there with their oldest, Paul, and his wife Tania, and baby Addy; the Rapps with their four youngest; the Fazulyanov family; Grandma Carey and Aunt Renae. We had lots of yummy food and then the kids all performed a Christmas number of some kind and the adults told a story relating to Christmas. Then we sang our traditional “12 Days of Christmas” by holding up the cards. That has been sung at every Carey Christmas since long before I joined the family 26 years ago. Several years ago Janice made each family a large set of matching cards and each time your number comes up you have to stand and hold up your card. Mysteriously, Paul Rapp always gets 12 drummers drumming which means he only stands once. (Younger kids usually opt for a partridge in a pear tree, allowing them twelve opportunities to rise and hold). We had a great time, as always, and enjoyed being together at Christmas.
Click on a photo to see them large in a gallery.