2017 Color Coded Reading Challenge
Rules: Read nine books in the following categories during 2017. [Read more…] about 2017 Color Coded Reading Challenge wrap-up
Rules: Read nine books in the following categories during 2017. [Read more…] about 2017 Color Coded Reading Challenge wrap-up
The Where are You Reading? Reading Challenge 2017 is hosted by Book Dragon’s Lair and I joined up in late January, even though I said I was done with new challenges. The goal was to read a book that takes place in each letter of the alphabet, with real or fictional locations allowed.
Here’s my book list, and a varied list of places I managed to go! I read them all as a part of my regular reading except Q which I had to get from Interlibrary Loan, as I couldn’t find any Q places on my shelves. [Read more…] about Where are You Reading? 2017 wrap-up
In September of 2015 we began making these quilts together. You can read about the start of the project here, and the posts about the individual blocks below.
Flag & Sun; Fields & Trees; Barn & Trees; Trees, School, Bounty & Fences; Mountains & Church; Houses; Finished Tops
We also have a Pinterest board that displays all the photos. [Read more…] about America the Beautiful quilts finally done