Orange is probably the final color for several of my projects. Next month I will start laying some of these out & seeing if I need more of anything. The friendship star blocks were inspired by Deb A. & I love how they turn out. The middle column are 4 resized Cozy Stars from the Pat Sloan QAL called Cozy Things. The tall columns are for the Brickyard quilt inspired by Julie of Me and My Quilts. I have orange blocks for two more RSC projects to finish up during the last few days of September coming up.
Here’s my big accomplishment for the week: I finished up the final week, Week 8, of the Clear Sky Quilt Along with Andy Knowlton of A Bright Corner. I kept up each week & this week I put together the flimsy. Although I did each block with scrappy white backgrounds, I used the same fabric for the sashing. Turns out I didn’t have enough for the borders, so I cut what I had left into sashing size for a stop border & made my own pieced border from leftovers. I used up most of the Lori Holt aqua & brown chunks I used as the basis for the quilt, so that was good, & the rest can go into upcoming scrap quilts.