Winter storms make me feel yucky and want to curl up and hibernate. I experience a variety of symptoms every time a storm roars through and they’re not fun. So with this storm and the incredibly busy weekend I just barely survived, I wanted to lay in bed and read “David Copperfield” today. But alas, it was not to be. I spent the entire day packing up Halloween decorations, putting out Thanksgiving decorations, and cleaning my house in preparation for the college youth group that will be arriving at my house any minute. (Now that all prep is done, I am sitting with my phone writing to you, dear reader).
You may be wondering at the title to this post. It’s in reference to the fact that those activities didn’t use to take me an entire day. Not too many years ago I could roar through the house like a bat out of you know where and have all that accomplished in a couple hours. Not so now. I am learning to pace myself, put on some music, and just move at a snail’s pace. Frustrating, but it’s teaching me patience, I guess.
So here’s the victory: got it all done, got myself cleaned up and beautiful, and had 10 minutes to blog! Not bad!
Doorbell ringing………