My January “blue” project is to get the last of these three Quilts for Kids done, since I’ve had them checked out since before my accident. This week I got all the zipper blocks sewed together so next week will be putting together the top & adding the borders for the win!
My other project this week was to start my first ever Elizabeth Hartman pattern. Everything for the 4-block quilt was in the bag, so I brought it to the apt. as a good project to work on here. The pattern & fabric were all still tied up in the plastic bag from the quilt store, so I opened it up this week to sort it all & figure out what I’d been thinking when I purchased all the fabrics. Great question! First off, I looked at the receipt & this was all purchased in August 2018. Sheesh! It’s been in my studio closet for 4 1/2 years waiting for me to sew it up!! Her instructions are to get FQ in various colors, so I did that based on what the picture looked like. As I got into the nitty-gritty instructions for cutting, I realized that the only FQ I had that would work for an animal was the off-white for the seal, but I had a weird woven blueish color that I guess was supposed to be for the other three animals, but it didn’t match well. Also, I needed a FQ for each. So no, I didn’t have everything I needed & a trip to the quilt store was in order. Because you know, my scraps are all packed up! Armed with a detailed list plus swatches for matching, I got this walrus fabric, plus enough for the otters & the narwhal. Then I started cutting & sewing. Ended up with a little wonkiness with all those tiny pieces, but overall, my first EH block is a success. And I did a blue one for January!