This is my big rainbow accomplishment for the week. All my strings went from big boxes labelled Neutral, Warm, & Cool, to these smaller bins. Now they are sorted into colors so I can easily find what I’m looking for & even though they’re not as cute as Angela’s baskets, I’m happy. Bring on the string projects!!! I also did a major overhaul of the closet now that I’ve been working from it for a year & know what I need to get to more often. Hard work, but nice fall cleaning.
Not much sewing this week as we were on a little trip for part of it. But I did get a few more stars done for my Breast Cancer quilt. Need 15 total as they alternate with some strip pieced blocks that need to be made. These are wild.
There was car sewing, however, as I worked on wool ornaments & finished binding Jamestown Landing by Bonnie Hunter.
It got a red rock photo shoot since I finished it on the way down. I got this pattern book for Mother’s Day & got going right away on this quilt. Now it’s done, which is fast for me to go from start to finish, as flimsies get caught in the TBQ pile, then the To Be Bound pile & often languish for quite a while.