This week finished up the Lone Peak High School choral department’s Madrigal Feaste for 2008. Brian, as the President of the Chamber Choir, was heavily involved in the success of the event. He also played the King, who acts as the Master of Ceremonies and stage manager. He was doubly wired with his wireless microphone and a headset to listen to backstage directions from the choir teacher and the techies. There is a meal served to about 200 people each of the 7 evenings, consisting of green salad, chowder in a bread bowl, a chicken quarter, mashed potatoes, vegetables, a chocolate tart, and wassail. The dinner is served
by members of the A Cappella Choir, and the Chamber Choir is the Royal Court and the beggars, CC sings several songs, and sings a couple with the A Cappella members. The Royal Court performs in a humorous play that was a spoof of Cinderella. They did a great job and the beggars collected lots of coins thrown by the audience. This is the major fund-raiser for the choral dept. each year and a major undertaking. But the kids were up to the job!
Scott and Sue Family
Life moves fast in the drama world. “Pimpernel” is barely over, Brian is the King in the annual Choir Madrigal Feaste this week and next, and he’s been cast in the winter play at Lone Peak HS. He will play Hannibal in “The Curious Savage”, a comedy by John Patrick. The show will run February 9-13, 2009.
Next up: auditions in a week for “Brigadoon”, the spring musical. Fasten your seat belts!
Congratulations to Brian – A Sterling Scholar
On Tuesday Lone Peak High School announced their Sterling Scholar winners and Brian was named as Lone Peak High School’s Sterling Scholar in Speech and Drama. That is a great accomplishment! Brian now prepares for competition at the region level.
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Last night was closing night for Lone Peak’s fall production of “The Scarlet Pimpernel“. Brian played Ozzy, one of Sir Percy’s men. The costumes were great and he had 7 different costumes to wear during the production. The outrageous costumes for “The Creation of Man” number were in several colors, but Brian’s had to be pink because his character has a line in the play that refers to it: “I simply cannot hop about wearing pink chiffon!”
He grew his hair out for the show and also wore a hair extension so that he would have a pony tail. He looked so debonair! Percy’s men (the Bounders) were all debonair and got the loudest applause each night.
A week in the life…
of a volunteer child advocate.
Sometimes my friends wonder what exactly I do during the week. I am the Family Life Commissioner for Utah PTA. This is an elected position with a 2-year term that can be repeated once. Because I was appointed to fill out the remaining year of someone else’s term in 2007-08, I can serve in this position for a total of 5 years. I’m now in the middle of year two. So here’s a brief look back at a typical week for me.
Monday-Got up early to get ready and check email before meeting with 2 sisters from my church. Taught the lesson, then dashed off to downtown Salt Lake to meet with the Underage Drinking Prevention Workgroup and discuss matters related to Stopped at the Utah PTA office in Murray to photocopy material for the resolution I’m preparing for our next convention, answered the questions of a council Legislative VP who came in needing some help, resolved some other issues and headed for home. Got home by 4, straightened up house, did some dishes, worked on PTA stuff on my computer, ate dinner, went to Brian’s opening night of “The Scarlet Pimpernel”, attended the opening night gala afterwards, got to bed by midnight.
Tuesday-Got up early to be in downtown SLC for a meeting of the Child Care Resource & Referral-Metro Advisory Board. Stopped at the PTA office to go to lunch with the one of my colleagues, did some errands on the way home, got home about 4, cleaned up around house, checked email, did PTA work on my computer, ate dinner, went to work the box office for the school play but there were enough people, so we got to go home! Gave me more time to work on PTA stuff on my computer and get to bed earlier.
Wednesday-Got up early to fight the traffic to the Capitol in SLC for Interim day. Legislative committees meet once a month when not in session to hear reports and discuss legislation for the upcoming session in January. Went to Judiciary in the morning and was not caught on film for the evening news while testifying, (phew!), had a working lunch with my fellow commissioners, and went to Health & Human Services in the afternoon. Lots of draft legislation to read and hear debated. Talked with lawmakers, got home by 7 pm. Ate a lovely dinner prepared by Scott, checked email, worked on computer doing PTA work, collapsed in bed about 11 pm.
Thursday-Got up early, drove to meeting of the Utah Family Partnership Network at 25th South in Salt Lake City. After meeting, went to PTA office to join group taking our receptionist to lunch for her birthday. Returned to office to help with some items, hit sale at scrapbook store on the way home, got home by 5. Cleaned up, ate dinner, went to performance of Brian’s play. Got home at 10 pm, checked email, went to bed.
Friday-a day at home-am visited by 2 sisters from church, did 5 loads of laundry, vacuumed, did dishes, swept floors, admired the new paint job Scott is giving our walls, read a novel for a while, cleaned some more, worked backstage at Brian’s play. Fulfilled vow to do no PTA work today, not even checking email, although stressed some about how behind I am on certain projects.
So there you have it-my life in a nutshell. I think that may mean that I’m the nut.