This is slightly outdated, but my friend had the video, so I decided to upload it. For New Year’s Eve my friends and I decided to go to “First Night” in Provo. As a part of the evening, there was a “Star Singing Competition”. Throughout the early hours of the night guests could audition, singing karaoke. Then 20 finalists were selected. I sang Rascal Flatt’s “These Days” in the preliminaries and got invited to the finals. Side tangent: Out of the 20 finalists, 4 of them were my friends and I. Then all the finalists got to sing with a live band playing back-up. This video is me singing “The Way You Look Tonight”. After the finalists all sang, they announced the top three finalists, and being in the top three of the finalists, I got invited to sing again! I ended up in third place at the end of the night and as a prize got a board game…I know, a board game. But it was still really fun. ENJOY!
Scott and Sue Family
Missionary Chores
Evidently when you show up for church on Sunday planning to have a baptism afterwards and discover that the font is totally blocked up, and therefore, gross, you get busy, unstop it and clean it out. This happened to Mark and his companion, Elder Solano, yesterday and we received the picture in the email today.
The Lone Peak HS production of “Brigadoon” is closing tonight. Brian played Charlie Dalrymple, a Scotsman who marries Jean MacLaren, played by Kaitlyn Brunsdale. Brian sang “I’ll Go Home with Bonnie Jean” and “Come to Me, Bend to Me”, both of
which required him to sing very high. He sang well, danced the sword dance at the wedding, and had a bonny good time in the show. He also looks dashing in a kilt. It is a great show, and as always, the students do a great job. This is Brian’s last Lone Peak production, as he will be graduating in May.
Simple Pleasures
As you know, my life has been totally consumed by the recently ended legislative session. It ended on Thursday and today it was back to my normal life. I had a meeting in downtown SLC this morning, but then I got to do some fun stuff on the way home. You may think this is way lame, but just to be able to stop at some stores AND get home by 4:30 pm to see Brian was a pleasure. I haven’t done much shopping for weeks because the stores are closed when I’m driving home. A sample of my fun:
- stopped at my fav downtown thrift shop and scored 2 books I’ve been looking for plus a book with quirky stories about San Antonio where Mark is on his mission
- went to Whole Foods store and stocked up on vitamins and my fav granola that is all gone at my house
- stopped at my fav mid-valley thrift shop and scored 2 more books on my list, plus the totally best find: Special Collector’s Edition of Star Trek: Insurrection on DVD, still in the wrapper with the original store sticker on it–woo-hoo!
- found a fav hair product that I’m almost out of and that my regular shopping venue has stopped carrying
- stopped at my fav scrapbook store and got 2 new missionary page packets for Mark’s mission scrapbook
Ahhh, life’s simple pleasures!
End of Session Fill-In
1. When I look to the left, I see books.
2. My living room is the room that has the best view in my home.
3. Let it work itself out.
4. Lobbying done dirt cheap!
5. Keeping an eye on the legislature is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.
6. If you have any chocolate feel free to share.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching Star Trek Voyager episodes, tomorrow my plans include only necessary survival work like laundry and dishes and Sunday, I want to get extra rest!