I tried something new: I made an online photo book. I am a paper scrapbooker who hasn’t really had time to fuss with learning any digital scrapping except cropping and printing photos. A friend regularly makes online photo books that become hardbound books and has been encouraging me to try it for a very long time. I saw a big sale on winkflash and decided it was time. I wanted to make a book for Brian for Christmas that included all his theater gigs to date. This included 4th grade to 12th grade and seemed like a good candidate for such a book. It turned out to be more complicated than I had originally envisioned as I tried to collect the photos. I found that even though I have tried to be good about organizing our digital photos, there was room for improvement because I couldn’t find photos I knew I had taken.
Over the course of three weeks I found photos, sorted, gathered, cropped, fixed red eyes, picked backgrounds, wrote journaling and made a book. It just arrived in the mail and I was very excited. I looked through it and saw some things I would do differently on the next book I make, but overall, I was very pleased and it was fun to learn a new skill and be creative.