February 1, 2011
Sabado: We went up to Dixon Lake, this park in North Escondido, and we were able to talk to some people up there. Then we drove up to Valley Center to do a baptismal interview for [elders there]. To finish off the evening, we went over to [a family] and we talked to them about Family Home Evening. We actually made a cute little assignment wheel out of cardboard and it looked pretty legit. Oh yes.
Lunes: We are trying to volunteer at Salvation Army so we went over there, and then we are also going to be performing at this retirement center so we got things set up for that too. To finish off the evening we taught these former investigators and it went really well.
February 8, 2011
So basically the news is….I am getting transferred. I am pretty bummed, because I have loved being with Elder Kidd and I love Escondido, but I was kind of expecting it. I have been in this ward for 9 months. It has been pretty crazy. It was pretty hard saying goodbye to everyone again, but that is ok. This ward has been my family and it was hard to say goodbye again. We took pictures and stuff. So even though I didn’t have any baptisms in this area, we saw so much success. It was pretty cool. I am excited to see where the Lord wants me to be next and what he wants me to do.
Miercoles: We went to district meeting and I sang a musical number, “Savior Redeemer of My Soul”. It is the hymn words, but to a tune that is absolutely beautiful. I will have to show it to you when I get home. We didn’t have music, but Elder Kidd and I just made it up (he played piano).
February 15, 2011
I got transferred to stay a Zone Leader in the San Clemente Zone. I am in English Work and I am serving in 2 wards. The San Clemente 4th Ward (family ward), and the San Clemente 5th YSA ward. I am living in San Juan Capistrano. Wow, this is the most beautiful place that I have ever been. We are right down on the ocean and there really isn’t a time where you don’t see the ocean. This is also the first time that I have served in Orange County, I have been in San Diego County for my whole mission thus far. It was kind of a surprise to be going into English work, but it is all good, I have a lot to learn. The style of work is completely different too. The members here are great and are giving us tons of referrals. Little known fact, our mission gives the most member referrals than any other mission in the U.S. and Canada.
February 22, 2011
Tuesday: So after we went emailing we went to the church and we spent all day doing this project. We got a map of the two stakes, cut it into 2″ squares and then blew it up 400% and then pieced it together. Then we took our entire wall in our apartment to hang up this map that we made. Then what we have been doing is putting pins in where all of the active/less active members of our ward live with a number so that we can know who lives there. It is pretty awesome. If anyone were to get whitewashed into this area, they would be really grateful.