I discussed in a previous post my leap into a new phase of life and how I was going to try to balance my adventures. I gave a long list of things I want to do and here’s a progress report on how I’ve been teetering during my first month.
service to family
service to friends
A little:
practicing piano
organizing and cleaning out my home
child advocating
family history
learning Photoshop Elements
So……..not too balanced overall, but I’ve had some interesting times and done other stuff that wasn’t on my list. I was starting to be a little hard on myself when I remembered a blogger I’d like to “Pay It Forward” to this week. Tara at Undeserving Grace has a great outlook on life and a strong faith. Her posts are interesting and fun and she has some memes that repeat. Say It Again Sunday often has some great sayings and I liked this post that helped me lighten up with the Bob Marley saying I’ve included here.

I also enjoy her Thankful Thursday posts that help me remember to be grateful for what I have and her Blessings in Bloom posts of her garden always cheer me up. Pop over and visit Tara. You’ll be glad you did!