I’ve been busily sewing a top this week to get to the quilter. It’s for a wedding that’s come up & since it’s coming quick, that quilt popped to the top of my to-do list. Therefore, even with L&E’s going, there’s only been this green happening. There are still a few days left in the month next week to finish my other 3 sets of green blocks. Or I will do it in April. It’s all good. So…….this is the second month of “Hip to be Square”, from the book “Splash of Color” by Jackie Kunkel. This month the pattern calls for 7 green blocks & 4 half blocks for the edges & I got these darling little blocks done. Hope your green sewing is going a little faster than mine!
RSC2021 March green week 3
Last April I was inspired to start an L&E project with my pile of cut 2.5″ squares. I had fallen in love with this quilt at Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting. It’s an Arrowhead Puzzle block quilt & she kindly provided a link to the free block pattern. I decided to just start making some in the monthly color & someday it would be a quilt. But it went quicker than I thought & all of a sudden I had enough to sew together. I got it quilted & just got the binding sewn on, so here’s an RSC2020 finish to show off!
I’ve been busy this week sewing on a really old WIP that wants to stop hanging over my head, so my greens have only been accomplished by doing them via L&E’s with that project. But as you know, I always have L&E’s going & it’s amazing how many quilts I’ve made this way while “working” on another quilt. But I still have more green to get done next week to be up to date on my projects.
What I did get done this week was a green row for the zig-zag quilt from Diann at Little Penguin Quilts. I couldn’t resist taking a photo of it with January & February’s rows. I’m so in love!!!
And here are the 2 green columns for the Brickyard quilt inspired by Julie of Me and My Quilts. This is a great L&E project. I pulled the already cut gray 2.5″ squares & 2.5″x4.5″ green rectangles, made sets of 4 & put them by my machine to run through while working on that WIP. This quilt is going to be great when it’s all put together!
RSC2021 March’s green, weeks 1 & 2
I worked on the Irish Chain blocks & since green is the highest number of blocks in the tutorial from Melissa Corry with 21, it took awhile to get them all sewed up. But that’s a big chunk of this king-size quilt, so I feel good about that.
I made 2 more of these friendship star blocks from Deb A. Since I’m not sure yet how I’m going to lay them out or how many I need, I’ve determined I’m going to make 2 of each color this year then see how it looks. These are great L&E blocks & turn out so cute!
I’m working on a really old WIP this month & doing green blocks as a break or L&E’s, so I have some more in process to show next week. Good luck with your own green sewing!!
RSC2021 Feb yellow week 3
First, a rainbow finish inspired our host, Angela. I got the binding sewed onto “Diamond Strings”, which I’ve been working on here & there for the last couple years. It was a fun project!
My hubby gave me the book “Splash of Color” by Jackie Kunkel a few years ago because I want to make every quilt in it. They are all black & white with splashes of color. To that end, I have been collecting pieces of black on white whenever I see them on sale. I used a bunch for the Sun Print quilt last year, but with plenty leftover, I’m embarking on this quilt called “Hip to be Square”. There is no pink, so this is the first month. I cut all the pieces last month, so they are just hanging out in a project box to be sewn together. There are 9 blocks & 4 half blocks for the edges.
A yellow row accomplished on the zig-zag quilt from Diann at Little Penguin Quilts. No Nearly LeMoyne blocks this month as there is no yellow in the Free Spirit scrap box I’m using for that project.
By ripping apart the old project & repairing 7 of them, then constructing 2 new ones, I have 9 cross blocks for the too-be-determined cross quilt. Yes, the bottom block has an extra gray column. Since I don’t know how I’m sashing it, I didn’t unpick that until I decide.
And that finishes up my yellow projects for the month with a week to spare! On to some WIPs that need some attention.
RSC2021 yellow Feb weeks 1 & 2
The first week of the month didn’t include much sewing. I got a little done on several things, but this week was much more productive. I got a top sewn with the back pieced & ready to go to the quilter for a Christmas gift, got the binding sewn on another Christmas gift for hand-sewing, and worked on sashing up the long-finished blocks for my rainbow Farmer’s Wife. Plus some yellow goodness!
I’m making a king-size Irish Chain quilt as a Christmas gift so it will need to be done before the year is out. So even though it’s a rainbow quilt, it won’t exactly work with the monthly goals due to the deadline. I’m working on the four-patches in all the colors, but thought I’d get the yellow blocks all done this month because….yellow! I’m using the tutorial from Melissa Corry. I made a queen-size for my guest bed a few years ago & it’s probably my fav quilt EVER that I’ve made.
I made 4 of my tweaked Cozy Stars from the Pat Sloan QAL called Cozy Things . These are happy little pinwheel stars that just look fun.
I worked on these checkerboard blocks last year and have a pile in various colors. Since I now have the pattern, Cynthia Brunz‘s Scrap Mixology pattern called Chaser, I counted my blocks & figured out how many I still need to make in which colors. So I have a plan now & there were 3 more yellow needed to keep this project on track.
I got 2 yellow columns made for the quilt inspired by Julie of Me and My Quilts. This is a great L&E project. I pulled the already cut gray 2.5″ squares & yellow 2.5″x4.5″ yellow rectangles, made sets of 4 & put them by my machine to run through while working on other projects. And all of a sudden there were 2 columns!