- spoke in Stake Conference last Sunday
- sang in the choir for Stake Conference
- mock interview on Monday afternoon for State Sterling Scholar
- competed in Region Solo/Ensemble Orchestra Festival in a Mendelssohn octet
- actual interview on Wednesday for State Sterling Scholar and got to eat out with Lone Peak contestants
- competed in Region Solo/Ensemble Vocal Festival in a solo and a duet, besides accompanying lots of other competitors
- competed Friday night in NATS competition (National Association of Teachers of Singing) and advanced to semi-finals in Classical and finals in Legit (musical theater singing)
- competed Saturday in NATS and won both divisions 🙂
- played a wedding gig Saturday night
- attended 5 days of school
- 6 Brigadoon rehearsals
- 3 rehearsals for the One Act competition
- slept in late this morning
Brian sounds like such a responsible young man! I hope that my children will be able to be just as upstanding and dependable as Brian is!