1. Ode to Inter-Library Loan: I have a tiny local library with a secret ingredient-ILL. If I have patience, I can read anything I want, 3 times a month, for free. Awesome! This makes me happy.
2. All Festival of Trees Gift Shop items have been made and turned in for this year. I am done crafting for that. I sewed more pillowcases and crocheted more burp cloths and made more cards. My sister donated the leftover boutique items from her adoption boutique, so all told, I donated over 120 items this year. That’s 110 more than my required 10. (For the record, I always exceed the 10 number, but not by that much!) Now it’s time to do my part for our family large tree in the bidding area. This year our theme is Joy to the World and we’re doing classical music.
3. I’ve been working fast and furious this week on Brian’s missionary scrapbook. Have now finished year one, so am feeling pretty good about that.
4. Our vegetable garden was retired last weekend and all remaining stalks mulched over with the tractor so it’s now a bare piece of ground. We pulled out lots of annual flowers last weekend as well, but left in ones that were still blooming. This week of uber-cold frost has now blackened those, so I need to get out this week and pull the rest.
5. My new B&W picture wall in the family room is now complete and includes some vinyl lettering, which is a first for us. After I finished, Scott seemed in a trance, saying we had vinyl on our walls, as if it was something he had never envisioned seeing in his own home. I think it looks pretty cool and after he became reconciled, he thinks so, too.
6. Monday night at midnight is Brian’s priority registration time for BYU classes. I’ve spent a bunch of time working out classes and schedules and am now ready to jump on and get him some winter classes. That’s for January 4th, when he’ll be home from his mission and then gone to BYU. Seems soon!