Brian sent us some photos from his first area in the California Carlsbad Mission.
click on a photo to see them in a gallery with descriptions
by Sue 7 Comments
I know I said I wouldn’t join any more challenges this year, but this one was just too fun to pass up. The Hogwarts Reading Challenge runs March 8 2010 to December 13 2010. I am a student at Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor House. Now I need to attend class (read books) to get points for my House. Here are the classes:
Transfiguration– read any book that has trans or figure in its title, is about shape shifting, has a shape shifter in it, or is about anything having to do with changing one thing into another
Defense Against the Dark Arts– read any book that has defense, dark and/or art(s) in its title, read any book that is about self-defense, war, history of war/martial arts, murder mysteries
Charms– read any book that has charm in its title, any book that gives something or someone a new aspect (for example the nerdy guy become a handsome doctor)
Potions– read any book that has potion in its title, cookbooks count but you must cook at least one recipe out of the book
Astronomy– read any book that has astronomy in its title, books about planets, stars, sci-fi
History of Magic– read any book that has history or magic in its title, books about magic, witches, etc.
Herbology– read any book that has herb in its title, again cookbooks count and you must cook at least one recipe out of the book
Arithmancy– read any book that has arithmancy in its title, any book with a number in its title, any book that deals with numbers or math
Ancient Runes– read any book that has ancient or runes in its title, books about historical places like the pyramids, Stonehenge, Great Wall of China, or any book about symbols
Divination– read any book that has divine in its title, any book about psychics or psychic abilities, tarot reading, etc.
Care of Magical Creatures– read any book that has magical or creatures in its title, books about supernatural beings
Muggle Studies– nearly any book works here, what better way to understand Muggles than to read what they read
Reading a Harry Potter book earns 25 House points.
March points for Gryffindor House:
April points for Gryffindor House:
May points for Gryffindor House:
June points for Gryffindor House:
July points for Gryffindor House:
August points for Gryffindor House:
September points for Gryffindor House:
October points for Gryffindor House:
November points for Gryffindor House:
December points for Gryffindor House: