Ever have one of those days where things just go wrong? Yesterday Mark had two tires go flat on the way to work requiring a tow truck, two new tires and four new struts on the Mazda. In the afternoon his buddy bowed out of going to the Jack Johnson concert with him tomorrow night leaving him stranded and disappointed. In the evening he and I were working outside and found our front faucet is leaking. Not into the house but the plumber coming later today will probably have to punch a hole in my craft room wall in order to fix it. If so, this will require massive moving of lots of really cool craft stuff. Scott wants the back one done at the same time which will punch a hole in the office wall. The office is another area that will be a mess to move stuff around. Because we never use the back faucet I have negligently let the lilac just grow over it. So I went out at 6:30 am to prune the lilac in back and lavender in front so that the plumber can actually work.
Ugh! The only bright spot in all this is that Scott has been working 60-70 hour weeks lately so now we have overtime to pay for repairs. But Mark and I haven’t actually seen much of him so I’m not sure it’s really a bright spot. Still evaluating that idea. But the outlook for the future must be good since we’ve had our run of bad luck for the month.