We made the deciduous tree blocks at our previous session and they went together quite easily. We can sew things up quickly when we already have the blocks all cut out in kits. Because this quilt is showing more of our individualism, our three block units have variations from each other. They are placed in three different spots in the quilt so we decided to have seasons and make a spring, summer, and fall tree unit. Terry found the tulip fabric in her stash and she and I used that for our spring background, but ShaRee wanted to be consistent with her cream backgrounds. Our summer units are different, but we all agreed on that cute fall fabric.

Since everything went so quickly, we decided to begin the Fields Block. We started laying them all out and realized that we had cut greens and a few golds like the pattern suggested, but we all felt the row needed some brown. We decided to bring browns the next week, cut up a few squares, sew up the block and work on our 1930’s quilt as usual. We alternate weeks on the two projects. But those easy squares and triangles ended up taking us two hours to finish! We are nothing if not flexible, so we cut out the next two 1930’s blocks for future sewing and planned our next move on this quilt. Here are our Fields from top to bottom: ShaRee, Sue, and Terry. This block runs along the bottom of the quilt and is the width of the quilt.
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