Look what arrived in the mail yesterday from Canada!
I am the winner of the Riedel Fascination Gentle Spectrums Reading Challenge that ran Feb 2014-Feb 2015! Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! So my cyber-friend, Carolyn, sent me these books in UK editions. Fun! Thanks, Carolyn. If you’d like to join us for one of her 2015 Challenges: Ethereal, Gentle Spectrums, or My Kind of Mystery, click here for information.
I posted here about my adventures in completing the challenge.
You are so very welcome, Sue! I recommend clipping out the mailing address in public – you’re catching me with a reused envelope anyway. LOL! But I’m excited and flattered by such an energetic post about my gift. I’m due for posting about how Gentle Spectrums & My Kind Of Mystery worked out too in our pioneering year and will be only too pleased to link to your post. Your progress this year is already phenomenal and enjoyed by me. I’m very grateful you advertise all three groups too.
Please know I wanted to include a note and a few little tidbits but was seeing how much weight could be gotten away with at this price point. All of a sudden, I had an opportunity to get this mailed and sealed it quickly. However you have discovered that I decided to give both books and am thrilled to find you so happy with them. Warmly in the rainy spring, Carolyn.