I usually do all my reading challenge sign-ups in one big post at the end of December, but since these are now open and I know I will be signing up for them again, I figured I might as well go ahead and do it. As Forrest Gump would say, “One less thing!” These three challenges are hosted by Bev at My Reader’s Block.
2016 Read It Again, Sam
I did this challenge last year for the first time and signed up for 8 books. I called the 2015 challenge last month when I hit 30 re-reads which is way past the top level. Most of my re-reads come from audio books I check out from the library and listen to as I do other things around the house. You can get through an audio book quite fast at that rate. So I will sign up for Living in the Past 16+ books.
*Challenge runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2016.
Déjà vu: Reread 4 books
Feeling Nostalgic: Reread 8 books
A Trip Down Memory Lane: Reread 12 books
Living in the Past: Reread 16+ books
2016 Color Coded Challenge

Here are the rules:
1. A book with “Blue” or any shade of Blue (Turquoise, Aquamarine, Navy, etc) in the title/on the cover.
3. A book with “Yellow” or any shade of Yellow (Gold, Lemon, Maize, etc.)in the title/on the cover.
5. A book with “Brown” or any shade of Brown (Tan, Chocolate, Beige, etc) in the title/on the cover.
7. A book with “White” or any shade of White (Ivory, Eggshell, Cream, etc)in the title/on the cover.
9. A book with a word that implies color (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Paisley, Stripe, etc.).
2016 Mount TBR Reading Challenge
I’ve done this challenge every year so this will be year #4. I signed up for Mt. Ararat and accomplished that recently and am hoping to get a few more in before the end of the year to make Mt. Kilimanjaro, but will be conservative and sign up for Mt. Ararat again in 2016. Climb on!
Challenge Levels:
Pike’s Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR piles/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s
*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2016.
Hi, I’m doing the color-coded challenge as well. And I’m hosting my first challenge next year. Please take a look and let me know if you are interested:
Thanks for joining me again in 2016!