My second year for this challenge.
1. A book with “Blue” or any shade of Blue (Turquoise, Aquamarine, Navy, etc) in the title.
2. A book with “Red” or any shade of Red (Scarlet, Crimson, Burgundy, etc) in the title.
3. A book with “Yellow” or any shade of Yellow (Gold, Lemon, Maize, etc.)in the title.
4. A book with “Green” or any shade of Green (Emerald, Lime, Jade, etc) in the title.
5. A book with “Brown” or any shade of Brown (Tan, Chocolate, Beige, etc) in the title.
6. A book with “Black” or any shade of Black (Jet, Ebony, Charcoal, etc) in the title.
7. A book with “White” or any shade of White (Ivory, Eggshell, Cream, etc)in the title.
8. A book with any other color in the title (Purple, Orange, Silver, Pink, Magenta, etc.).
9. A book with a word that implies color (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Paisley, Stripe, etc.).
I did the Monthly Key Words in 2013, but the host has offered this new challenge and I like it!
Jan– Around the World-Choose a book to read that takes place in a country different than the one you live in or choose a book written by an author that is from a country different than your own.
Feb– Award Winner-Read a book that has won recognition or a literary award.
Mar– Fairy tales or Fairy Creatures-Read a fairy tale retelling or a book with fey/fairies in it.
Apr– Short & Sweet-Read a collection of short stories or anthologies.
May– Mystery, Murder, & Mayhem-Read a murder/mystery book, a book in which someone dies of mysterious causes, or a book in which a mystery must be solved.
June– A Long Journey-Read a book in which the character(s) take a trip, go on a quest, or find themselves on a journey toward something, etc.
July– Assassins, Warriors, & Rebels-Read a book in which the main character is one of these things or fights against one of these things.
Aug– Alternate Reality-Read a book that’s set in the future, on another planet, in another dimension, or in an unknown world. A Dystopian book will count this month as well.
Sep– Book to Movie-Read a book that has a movie based off of it. For an extra challenge, see the movie as well.
Oct– The Witching Hour-There’s been a lot of zombies lately, but this year include a ‘witchy’ book in your scary reads- a book about a witch or a book that has witches in it.
Nov– An Oldie but a Goodie-Pick a book published before 2000 that you’ve always wanted to read, but just never got to. Or pick a book set in the past (before 2000).
Dec– That’s a Wrap-Finish a series you’ve been meaning to finish or read the next book in a series you started but never finished.
I have participated in #2, #3, #5, and #6, so here we go for the seventh time!
From January to December, choose a book from each of the following categories:
A reference to time
A position of royalty
A number written in letters
A forename or names
A type or element of weather
In 2013 I made Level 2 by April, so I’m going for broke and trying for Level 4 this year!
Level 1 – Snoop – Read at least 6 books
Level 2 – Investigator – Read 7-12 books
Level 3 – Super Sleuth – Read 13 or more books
Level 4 – Sleuth Extraordinaire – Read 20 or more
I think I can do it: Level 2!
Choose a level….
Level 1 – Complete 1 series.
Level 2 – Complete 2 series.
Level 3 – Complete 3 or more series.
A new challenge and it sounds like fun! I’m going for The Highlander.
Read and review Scottish books -any genre, any form- written by a Scottish author (by birth or immigration) or about or set in Scotland.
Challenge levels:
Just A Keek (a little look): 1-4 books read
The Highlander: 5-8 books
The Hebridean: 9-12 books
Ben Nevis: 13+ books
I decided to join this challenge to jumpstart my perpetual challenge of reading all the winners. I will go for the L’Engle level: 15-29 points.
Each book you read is worth points. You get:
3 points for a Newbery Medal Winner
2 points for a Newbery Honor Book
1 point for a Caldecott Medal Winner
In addition to that, you pick a level to aim for:
L’Engle: 15 – 29 points
Spinelli: 30 – 44 points
Avi: 45 – 59 points
Lowry: 60 – 74 points
Konigsburg: 75+ points
For my third year of this challenge, I’m going to try to repeat last year’s Mt. Ararat!
Challenge Levels:
Pike’s Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR piles/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s
So glad to you have along on the Reading Scotland challenge, Sue!
Great to see you joining What’s In A Name!
Thanks for coming back for another round of the Color Coded and Mount TBR Challenges!
Welcome to the cozy and series challenges! Have a great year!
Just like you, I like counting all colour books. You are also in “What’s A Name”. I’m respectfully getting the word out that I opened a new challenge similar to BOTH! I hope people find out about “Gentle Spectrums“and my two others. For example, I ask for 10 colours: any of them may repeat. 🙂
What a beautiful blog. And….what a great post.
I am stopping by from Peggy Ann’s post about the Scottish challenge. Saw your blog in the list.
I am not going to participate in the Scotland challenge, though, because I don’t do well with challenges. I get too stressed about challenges.
I do love books set in Scotland. I have read two books I really like. They were The Island House by Posie Graeme Evans and Angel Harp by Michael Phillips.
ENJOY your Scottish books.
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